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DAY 1 

  • How to Identify Your Niche
  • Define your interests and expertise
  • Research profitable niches
  • Evaluate market demand
  • How to Identify Your Target Audience
  • Create buyer personas
  • Conduct audience research
  • Understand your audience's needs and pain points
  • How to Pick a Name
  • Choose a brand name that reflects your niche
  • Check for domain name availability
  • Ensure the name is memorable and easy to spell
  • How to pick a type of product
  • Explore different digital product formats
  • Choose a format aligned with your skills and audience preferences
  • How to Pick the Correct Website Platform
  • Evaluate website platforms for digital product sales
  • Consider ease of use, payment options, and customization
  • How to Set Up Your Social Media
  • Select relevant social media platforms
  • Optimize profiles for your brand
  • Plan a consistent posting schedule
  • How to Set Up Business Email
  • Create a professional business email address
  • Integrate email with your website/socials
  • Build an email list


  • How to Find Content for Your Audience
  • Conduct content research
  • Stay updated on industry trends
  • Curate and create valuable content
  • How to Go Viral
  • Understand viral content principles
  • Utilize trending topics
  • Encourage user-generated content
  • How to Edit Content
  • Explore basic editing tools
  • Enhance visual appeal and professionalism
  • Maintain consistency in branding
  • How to Create a Lead Magnet
  • Identify a valuable incentive for your audience
  • Design a compelling lead magnet
  • Integrate lead capture forms on your website
  • How to Build Your Store
  • Set up product pages
  • Optimize for user experience and navigation
  • Implement secure payment gateways
  • How to Create Linktree/Beacons
  • Set up Linktree or similar tools for social media linking
  • Create a cohesive link strategy
  • Optimize for user engagement


  • How to Market
  • Develop a marketing plan
  • Utilize social media advertising
  • How to Create Calls to Actions
  • Craft compelling CTAs
  • Strategically place CTAs on your platforms
  • How to Create Captions/Hooks
  • Write engaging captions for social media
  • Develop attention-grabbing hooks
  • How to Create Your First Reel
  • Understand the Reel format on social media
  • Plan and script your first Reel
  • Incorporate storytelling and creativity
  • How to Create Engaging Content
  • Diversify content types
  • Encourage audience interaction
  • Analyze content performance metrics
  • How to Build Hype Around Your Product
  • Teaser campaigns and countdowns
  • Utilize limited-time offers
  • Engage with your audience's anticipation
  • How to Brand & Stand Out
  • Define your brand identity
  • Consistent branding across platforms
  • Highlight unique selling points
  • How to Create Launching Strategies
  • Plan a pre-launch campaign
  • Implement effective launch day strategies
  • Post-launch follow-ups and customer engagement


  • This purchase comes with 3 iMac raffle entrees.

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